Digital Marketing for Architecture Industry

About 12 years ago, when I started my career as an architectural photographer, Social Media was not the main channel of communication with clients. My business grew at a time when websites were done once and never updated, and Facebook or Instagram were just platforms for you and your friends to gather together.

Later, I noticed that my local market share is shrinking, and business has begun to slow down. I also noticed that new generations who are younger than me and new clients who have entered the industry are not well aware of my services or the quality I provide.

After doing some research and analyzing local competitors, I noticed that a lot of the architectural industry is now collecting information from social media channels. Architects, interior designers and almost everyone are now following trends and getting inspired by work and social media posts.
And that raised the question, Is it essential to be active on social media and how digital marketing could have a direct impact on my business?

To answer that question, I had to look for a specialized Digital Marketing Course that could give me enough information and help me decide how my business could be affected by this kind of marketing. I applied for Udacity Digital Marketing Nanodegree, and this blog post is my first action to make proper use of digital marketing. On this track, we learn how to plan, design and implement a digital marketing campaign. And it’s becoming clear to me that the website is not enough to be at the top of your client’s head.

Websites are now attached to blogs that are considered to be hubs, and your social media channels are spokes that catch your fans/clients to your website to purchase your products or to communicate for your services. From personal experience, this will not only increase your chances of getting more sales prospects, but will also enhance your SEO and increase the ranking of your website in search engines.

Wait for more insights and stories to come and let me know if you have any questions.

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